Frequently Asked Questions

Any questions about our coworking space? Need more information before signing up? We have answers to all your questions. If you have a question that isn’t answered here, contact us

  • What is a cooperative?

    A cooperative is an association of people united voluntarily to meet shared economic, social and cultural needs and ambitions by means of a collective and democratic undertaking. This business model aims to promote mutual aid, accountability and solidarity among its members. At ECTO, there are no bosses and no clients. Rather, we are a collective of equals committed to the common good.

  • How does the free trial day work?

    Anyone can enjoy a free day from 9 AM on weekdays, with access to meeting rooms (2 hours, by reservation) and phone rooms, coffee, and human connection that is essential to a sense of well-being. Bring your laptop, connect to the WiFi and change the world.

  • What’s the collective salad?

    Every Thursday, the community gathers for a collective meal where everyone contributes an ingredient. In the morning, a sheet is prepared to record the participants and their contributions. At noon we start prepping the food. At 12:30, the salad is served and everyone sits down to eat and enjoy each other’s company. This is a time for sharing and strengthening bonds between participants, enabling deep and meaningful connections.

  • What's the open house?

    The first Thursday of every month, ECTO opens its doors to visitors so they can discover the space for a first or second time. The day also includes a workshop to which everyone is invited. The famous collective salad is also on the schedule, with a drink at the end of the day to unwind in good company.

  • Tell me about the Board of Directors

    The cooperative is managed by regular members who volunteer to sit on the Board of Directors. Board elections are held during the Annual General Meeting and all members can stand for election and vote. The board meets monthly to decide on certain matters, but member involvement is essential to ensure the smooth operation of the space and the development of the community. Most board members are omnivores (for the time being).

  • How can I get involved?

    Anyone who wants to take part in the cooperative and its community can come and present their ideas to the people who use the space. The coordination team can advise them on how to make their project a reality. We give priority to member initiatives, but outside contacts can also make valuable contributions. Financial backing is important to the organization’s survival, but those who can donate time or spread our message are just as critical to our success.